Laser-treatment for wrinkles of the face
- Pronounced mimic wrinkles and furrows cannot be treated by laser as they require a surgical approach such as a face-lift.
- Superficial wrinkles of the skin, so-called crinkles, which typically occur as a result of excessive sunbathing (UV-exposure) and/or cigarette smoking can be treated with two different laser methods:
- Laser-skin-resurfacing
Treatment is carried out with a pulsed high-energetic CO2- or Erbium:YAG-laser which is used to take off the top-most layer of the skin and in further passes heats up deeper layers of the skin to produce a shrinking effect. Therapy is typically carried out under local anaesthesia and may even require general anaesthesia. Immeadiately after treatment, the skin appears abraded like a superficial wound. Erythema of the tretaed area may persist for several weeks to months. Potential undesired side-effects include viral (herpes), bacterial and fungal infections. Thus, indication for such a therapy needs to be carefully evaluated and pre- and post-treatment needs to be monitored closely. This therapy is typically reserved for facial application.
- Laser-skin-rejuvenation
With this therapy, modern infrared lasers are used to heat the skin, without abrading (taking off) the top layers of the skin. Mild wrinkles can be smoothened with this method. Several different lasers for this therapy are available, however, studies on which laser might be most siutable, are still lacking. Also, as to how effective this treatment will eventually proove to be, is still controversial and therefore, some users do not reccommend this treatment modality to their patients.